Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Phases of The Moon

What did you notice about the phases of the moon?
When the moon travels around the Earth than there will be a different shade on the moon so you will only be able to see the side where there is no shade. This is why there are different phases of the moon.

 Why do we see different parts of the moon night?
Everyday the moon moves a bit and the sun always stays at the same place. So the shade and light on the moon changes each day. That's why you see each night different parts of the moon.

What is a lunar month?
A lunar month is a the period from one full moon to the next full moon to the next.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Waves All Around Us Unit Reflection

I think this was a helpful unit to explain how waves traveled and I learned a lot from it. I learned a lot of different types of waves. How fast they travel was important because that could change the rate or the wave. I think I did really well on the test and it was a pretty interesting unit to learn. 

Food Irradation

If you were offered a package of irradiated strawberries or non-irradiated strawberries and they were the same price, which would you choose and why?  
I would take the non-irradiated ones because with irradiated ones they put weird stuff in it just to make it taste better so people buy more and get more money but that is very unhealthy for you and you can get poisoned.  Everyday people get illnesses from irradiated food and even die from it, when it gets more serious. They don't care or even have idea at the beginning of how bad it can be. They put chemicals so they grow faster and that they can make it quicker and that is also unhealthy.

Reason for Seasons

Guiding Questions: 
1.What causes the seasons?
2. How does the tilt of Earth's affect the light received by Earth as it revolves around the sun?


Questions to answer:

Analyze and Conclude:

1. Observing: When it is winter in the Northern Hemisphere, which areas on Earth get the most concentrated light? Which areas get the most concentrated light when it is summer in the Northern Hemisphere?

When it's winter in the Northern Hemisphere and when it's summer the Southern Hemisphere gets the most concentrated light. The areas who get s the most concentrated lights is the equator, tropic of cancer and the tropic of capricorn.

2. Compare your observations of how the light hits the area halfway between the equator and the North pole during winter and during summer.
The squares looks like rectangles and if the sun rotates and change location, the shadow on the toothpick will also change.

3. Inferring: If the squares projected on the ball from the acetate become larger, what can you infer about the amount of heat distributed in each square?
The heat distributed would be more and the reason for that would be that the sun is closer.
4. Inferring: According to your observations, which areas on Earth are consistently coolest? Which areas are consistently warmest? Why?

The constantly coolest areas are the Arctic, Antarctic , North and the South Pole because the sun never rises there. The warmest area on Earth is Syria but the places near equator are usually warm because equator is the closest area to the sun.

5. Predicting: What time of year will the tooth pick's shadow be longest? When will the shadow be shortest?
On summer it will be the longest and on winter it will be shortest.

6. Drawing Conclusions: How are the amounts of heat and light received in a square related to the angle of the sun's rays?

If the light hits the squares on a bigger angel that place would be hotter by the sun.
7.Comnicating: Use your observations of an Earth-sun model to write and explanation of what causes the seasons.

The seasons are caused when the Earth tilts. It gives sun to a place at a moment and the season change in different areas. When the sun moves around Earth it makes the seasons.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Tunning Fork Lab

Guiding Question: How does density of various solids affect the way the sound waves travel from the tuning fork?

Hypothesis: If the material is very dense, then the tuning fork will travel faster.

1. Tuning fork (the main material)
2. Table (for testing if the tuning fork vibrates)
3. Computer (Google Docs, for putting the data)
4. White board (Because it is plastic)
5. Wood
6. Metals
7. Watch stop

1. Take a pencil and a notebook before you get started with your experiment, because you wouldn’t want to miss something out, otherwise everything would be incorrect.
2. Take a tuning fork of normal size and hit it on each material. You should feel the vibration of the tuning fork while you’re holding it.
3. Get a timer/watch stop and time how long the tuning fork vibrates. Save your observations on a document or in your notebook.
4. Repeat the steps above.

We found different material to measure the sound of the tuning fork when it vibrates.
We tried it in different materials and we measured them as you can see in the table below.

Data Analysis:
Metal (Locker)Soft vibration
Wood (Table)Very long vibration and on wood it lasts for a long time but soft
Plastic (White Board)Loud but slow
RockVibrates slow but is loud.

Jovana’s Conclusion:
In conclusion,

Ergi’s Conclusion:
In conclusion, our hypothesize was right. If the material is denser the tuning fork will be slower. On the table above hard materials all ways lasts longer and has a heavier sound than the others.

Further Inquiry
Jovana’s Further Inquiry:

Ergi’s Further Inquiry:
An interesting thing I learned was that on wood it makes a very long vibration and it lasts for a long time. But, the song is not that high.