Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Current Events # (Marsupial carnivores 'as diverse as other mammals once')

They are an extraordinary and now rare group of animals but Earth has had some formidable marsupial carnivores.These pouched killers have included lions, wolves, and even sabretooths.Today, the only large marsupial carnivore left in existence is the Tasmanian Devil, and that is on the brink of extinction.These animals' past success though is illustrated by a new skull study that reveals the creatures to have been just as diverse as their cousins, the placental mammals.An international team examined the skulls of some 130 carnivores - marsupial and placental, living and extinct - from the past 40 million years.

1 comment:

  1. You article was difficult for me to understand. It seemed that you jumped into the middle of an article without any explanation. You picked an interesting topic, but didn't really understand that much after I read you article.
