Sunday, February 6, 2011

Questions Ch. 2-3

1.a. What is a seismograph?
Seismograph is an instrument which records the movements of a wave.

b.How does a seismograph record seismic waves?
Seismic waves cause the seismograph's drum to vibrate.Scientist understand when it vibrates.A seismograph's heavy weight resists the motion during a quake.

c.How would the se seismograph for the two earthquakes compare?
 The seismograph shows lower ridges along the drawing for the weaker Earthquakes and higher ridges or the stronger Earthquakes.

2 a.What four instruments are used to monitor faults?
Tiltmetre, Creepmetre, Laser-Ranging Device and GPS Satellites.

b.What changes does each instrument measure?
 Tiltmeter has up and down movements.Creepmeter has horizontal movementLaser-Ranging Device has horizontal movement. 
GPS has horizontal and elevation movement

c.A satellite that monitors a fault detects an increasing tilt in the land surface along the fault. What could this change in the land surface indicate?
 It indicates  a Mountain Range or a Valley is being formed.

3. a.What are three ways in which geologists use seismographic data?
Mapping Faults, Monitoring Faults and Predicting Earthquakes.

b.How do geologists use seismographic data?
The higher a risk area and the lower the greater the difference in fault.

c.Why do geologists collect data on friction along the sides of faults?
 Because the greater the friction the more volatile the earthquake will be.

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