Monday, March 28, 2011

Noise Pollution

What is it?Noise pollution is annoying and potentially harmful environmental noise.It is unpleasant and harmful. It can also be a unwanted disturbance around which can damage your ear if it is really loud. Noise travels around and you can't get rid of it or run away from it. Noise pollution is performed by dog barking, trains, loud music,cars or motorcycles and even more. There is different types of energy pollutions. For example two of them are: Light Pollution and Heat Pollution.

How does it affect to our ears?It can damage the health and hearing, which could conclude to loss of hearing. This affects around 1 million. Escaping sound is impossible. You can just close your ears. There are many other causes that can happen from sound. Sound pollution can avoid you from sleeping can give headaches and annoy you. It can also increase your blood pressure, which is not good.

Ways to eliminate sound or get protected?One way of protecting yourself is to put ear plugs, don't live in a house close to crowded places, for example the airport, train station etc. If you do live you have special walls or material in the house that can protect you. Some people uses this. Most people have neighbors and if you open loud music, maybe in a party or celebration you should turn the music, down so they don't get disturbed.

How is science/technology involved in solving these problems? There are special systems for blocking sound and different noises. For example special walls that protect your ears. There are also earphones which help you hear better, if you have problems with hearing. There is one problem that science can't solve is that bring the hearing back, because it is really hard after you lose that sense. It is kind of impossible.





1 comment:

  1. Ergi,
    Your report was well-organized and you included most of the information this assignment. I like the last sentence of your conclusion. I never thought of hearing reversal before and I am not sure if it can be. I don't think the little bones can be fixed. Good job overall.
