Friday, January 28, 2011

Lab Making Waves

Guiding Question:
How does an object laying on the water interact with the waves?
(interactions lab)
Paper towl
Styrofoam ball
Wine cork

I think that an object laying on the water will float and kind of block the wave but if the wave is to strong it will just travel with the wave.For example sponge will get some of the water inside and it will be heavier.

Type of Object

SpongeThe sponge traveled a bit, but it couldn’t stay floating for a lot of time because it sucked a lit of the water in it.
Paper TowelThe paper bowl just stay their and drown in the water and couldn’t block the wave at all
Eraser The eraser blocked the wave and threw it to another direction.
Ping Pong BallIt seems that when the frequency is more the ball travels faster and if it’s slow it takes more time for it to travel.
Styrofoam BallIt travel a bit faster than the ping pong ball and the reason for that was that it was bigger.

Analyze and Conclude:
1.How are waves affected by the paper towel hanging in the water?
The paper blocked the wave a little, but it got to wet and wasn’t very efficient.
2.What happens when waves strike a barrier head on?When they strike it at an angle?
When the wave hits a barrier, the barrier blocks it and the wave direction changes to the sides and doesn't continue to flow throw the barrier.
3.What happens when waves strike a barrier with a gap in it?With three gaps in it?
If there is a gap in it cuts the wave and a little bit of it passes from the gap throw to the other side.

In conclusion when you put a object in the water, it depends how big or small is the wave and that makes the speed of how it travels. If something you put is lighter obviously it would travel faster. For example sponge doesn’t really travel because it just gets the water inside after a moment and then drowns into the water.

1 comment:

  1. Good job on the data table. It was clear the types of tests you were running, but it seems like you had different variables at the same time. Be sure to know what you are manipulating and what you are changing when designing an experiment.
