Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Notes from class

Forces in Earths Crust
Ritcher Scale used to measure the magnitude of Earthquakes. The major Earthquakes happened in Japan and Chile.

How does stress in Earth's crust change Earth's surface?
The Earth's surface will get little mountains and places form. That is how the Earth started to create. It also made the continents and make them get a part from each other. This can cause folding, faulting, mountains, volcanoes, earthquakes, and rifts. When there is compression the ground pushes together and that also creates Earthquakes.

Where are faults located?
3 types of boundaries

  1. Convergent boundaries(compression)
  2. Divergent boundaries(tension)
  3. Transform boundaries(shearing) 
Tension on Earth's crust pulls rock apart,causing normal faults.There are many faults in the world, one is Great Rift Valley of Africa, another is in Michigan on Pen Island, and one in San Andreas.

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