Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Section 1: Elements and Atoms Assessment

Reviewing Key Concepts:
1. a. Defining What is matter? What is an element?
Matter is anything that has mass and takes up space. 2000 years ago, the ancient Greeks believed that all matter was made up of four elements. Which were air, earth, fire and water.

Elements are the simplest pure substances, and they cannot be broken down into any other substances.

b. Explaining  Why are elements called the building blocks of matter?
They are often called the building blocks of matter because all matter is composed of one element or a combination of two or more elements.

c. Inferring  Water is compound. Does water contain elements? Explain.
Yes, there are two elements in water. Oxygen and hydrogen. Water consists of  two hydrogen and one oxygen. 

2. a. Reviewing In general, why did atomic theory change in time?
Atomic theory grew as a series of models that developed from experimental evidence. As more evidence was collected, the theory and models were revised. 

b. Describing Describe Bohr's model  the atom. What specific information did Bohr contribute to scientists' understanding of the atom?
Bohr showed that electrons could have only specific amounts of energy, leading them to move in certain orbits.

c. Comparing and Contrasting How is the modern atomic model different from Bohr's model? Why did scientists revise Bohr's model? 
The modern atomic model was different from Bohr's model because this new particle was hard to detect because it has no electrical charge even though it was nearly the same mass as a proton.

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